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Select Your Member Type

Please select your member type based on the qualifications below. 

Associate Membership includes: (International US $1,030.00 or Domestic US $870.00)

International Contractor - Corporations and firms primarily engaged in the business of selling, installing and servicing freight or passenger elevators, escalators, Dumbwaiters, man-lifts, moving walks, etc. outside the United States of America.

Domestic - Architects, building planners, Universities, Public officials employed by a Governmental division or subdivision, and all others who qualify as consultants on the installation, maintenance, conversion, design, or placement of elevator equipment.

Contractor Membership includes: (Domestic only $870.00)

Corporations and firms regularly and substantially engaged in the business of selling, installing and servicing freight or passenger elevators, escalators, Dumbwaiters, man-lifts, moving walks, etc. in the United States of America. 

Supplier Membership includes: (International US $1,030.00 or Domestic US $870.00)

Corporations or firms primarily engaged in what is known in the elevator industry as supplying components, accessories or services directly to the Contractor.


Please note that all new member applications are subject to a one-time

$100 Initiation fee.